“Who run the world? Girls”- Beyoncé

We only love it when it comes to writing a song about girls but can a Man actually let go of his power to a woman. Apparently not! Men love Beyoncé & Scarlett Johansson in all their avatars but if other women wear anything a little bold, we know what happens next. They cannot even stand a woman who is more successful or more educated than them. THE NEED FOR AWARENESS IS AT AN ALL TIME HIGH.

If we actually empower women, the world can be a better place. It doesn’t mean deifying women but instead learning to respect women and treating them equally. In this male-dominated world, if a lady is well-educated, (be it a mother, a sister or a daughter) then there is a possibility that we can reshape the mindset of men.

Let’s take an example:  I represent you two different families where the fault can be traced to the roots- Family A and Family B. So, the Mother in Family A is not educated and is made to believe that no value is attached to her views or opinions. Her son grew up in such an environment. He also believes that being bossy and dominant over a woman is totally fine. He thinks being abusive and rough is absolutely okay and a woman is not supposed to interfere in any family or financial situations.
Whereas the Mother in Family B is well-educated and knows her rights, therefore her son is brought up in a family where women get equal treatment and are respected. Her opinions matter and she is given all the freedom in the world.
So what I’m trying to convey here is how a well-educated woman can bring a change in a man’s way of thinking and how educating a woman is a way to assist them to take a stand.

Today, women are expressing their independence through platforms like Twitter, YouTube, blogs, etc where they are sharing their talents and interests. Women like Martha Stewart, Oprah Winfrey, Samara Mahindra and Lilly Singh are great examples of women entrepreneurs. They were all from middle-class families but what made them unique and successful was their perseverance to prove their mettle and the hard-work they did to break the chains. Today, they are celebrated and cherished by men and women alike.

A woman can achieve anything she sets her mind to!


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