Seed Investment And How It Works.

Start-up businesses are primarily equipped with idea stage. Biggest hurdle comes through after this only. How to tackle financial needs? Most of the entrepreneurs are not wealthy enough to bootstrap their start-up idea. Even if they are, they need investment at some point in their work. There comes the role of Seed Funding.

Seed funding really took off in India in 2009, when Flipkart raised its first round of funding. The poster child of Indian startups was poised to fill the massive e-commerce gap in the Indian market. All it needed was the financial backing and trust to forever change the manner in which a billion people shop for goods. This financial fillip came in the form of a $1M seed funding round by Accel Partners.

The success of Flipkart resulted in an explosion of startups in India, with starry-eyed founders seeking the coveted ‘unicorn’ status. India emerged as a market with plenty of white spaces and investors were quick to seize this opportunity to hunt for young companies and teams to back. With this growing interest in early-stage startups, founding teams that raised seed funding were able to:

·      Conduct Further Product & Market Research and Seek Validation,
·      Develop and Refine Their Product and Offerings,
·      Go to Market,
   Work on their Prototype,
·      Unlock a Network of Influencers,
·      Hire their First Set of Employees,
·      Mentorship and Guidance from the Investing Team.

Seed funding is primarily done either as debt funding or equity funding. Under debt funding, one has to repay principal with the rate of interest. While under equity funding one has to give a specific part of the equity in their company to the lender.

We at Omniscient Ventures work faithfully for seed investment. We incubate startups with an initial round of funding starting from Rupees 10 lakhs per startup. This is an initial investment to set up their business plan, give growth to their idea and make their prototype presentable as well as accessible. Further to this, they can fight to gain level A, B and C round of funding from our large panel of investors.

In a summarized way Omniscient Ventures gives you The Arena to gain Seed funding and work effectively without any worries of monetary issues.


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